Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
LED Architecture endeavors to build relationships with our clients that enable us to better understand their vision and provide them with clear and interesting design solutions. We recognize the importance of partnering with our clients and contractors to produce a successful building project. LED's goal is to provide thorough and thoughtful architectural designs, paying close attention to detail, while always keeping our client's vision at the forefront of our architectural solutions. Click HERE to see some of our projects.
LED's Interiors Department works with our clients to extend the expression of a client's vision to the interior spaces. From architectural detailing to finishes, and through furniture, art and signage selections, the client's vision is developed and expressed. Equally important is the execution of the interior design within the owner's budget and developing all spaces for maximum efficiency.
Architectural master planning is the critical first step in any design process. It is the creation of a framework in which the whole project proceeds. Headed by a lead architect, a project’s planning phase considers the entire picture through detailed work. The process involves examining the design and style of the building, surrounding infrastructure, local government requirements, and so on. It should also include determining the purpose of the structure, goals of the project, and other essential elements. By creating a master plan, the entire project is likely to go as planned and lead to an exciting development.
At LED, we also provide services such as project feasibility studies, building evaluations, client presentation drawings, Life Safety Plans required by local governments and fire departments for renovation construction projects, ADA Accessibility review as well as other additional services.